Friday, September 20, 2024

 Do We Resonate?

September 20

Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord.

Ephesians 5:19

Wendy was a busy fourth grader with a penchant for making noise. Fortunately for her, Mr. Wren was an imaginative teacher. One day after class, he pulled Wendy aside. “How would you like to learn to play a musical instrument, Wendy?” he asked. “I believe you would make a wonderful musician.” He encouraged, “What do you say? Want to give it a try?”

“I don’t know, Mr. Wren.” Her voice was strained as she struggled to relate the battle within her. “Mom says we don’t have enough money to even rent an instrument, let alone buy one.” Her disappointment was obvious. “I want to play the violin, but … ” Her small voice trailed off a moment. Then something came alive within her. “I really love the way the music resonates when the bow glides over the strings.”

He could see the glint of a fire in her eyes as he wondered, Where did she come up with resonates? He shook his head in amazement, smiled, and said, “Come with me.”

Taking her hand, he led her to Ms. Ostrander’s music room. Entering the empty classroom, Mr. Wren explained, “We have a new program, Wendy, where any student who wants to learn to play an instrument can join the band or orchestra, and the school will provide the instrument. If the school provided a violin, would you want to learn to play?”

“Ohhh.” Her small hands clasped together in a wishful pose. “Do you mean it?” she squealed.

“Yes, Wendy. What do you say?” he asked.

“Yes! Yes! Ohhh, yes!” Wendy practically screamed.

To resonate means to have a full and pleasing sound.

As the rosined bow is drawn across the violin’s strings, it creates vibrant sound. When in the hands of a master, the sound is full and pleasing. Yet, in the hands of an apprentice, the noises emanating from the instrument are somewhat less enchanting.

Only through much practice does the violinist become proficient in producing sounds that make the heart glad. If, however, we would attempt to become more proficient by practicing, both sounds are pleasing to the Lord.


“May the music of my heart be pleasing to You, Lord. Teach me to resonate with fullness for Your pleasure. Amen.”

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