Tuesday, September 24, 2024

 Model of Integrity

September 24

In everything set them an example … show integrity

Titus 2:6, 7

The last thing Russ needed was a three-inch rock through his windshield. But last thing or not, here it came! It shattered the windshield with a loud crack, creating a lightning-bolt effect across the entire windshield. “You’ve gotta be kidding!” he groaned. This’ll raise my insurance premiums, was his first thought. Then he had a second thought and followed the truck until he was able to pull alongside and motion the driver to pull over.

When stopped, Russ said, “Hey, I’m sorry to bother you, but your trailer just threw a rock through my windshield.”

“Oh, man. I’m sorry,” the driver said. “I just left a muddy jobsite. Musta picked it up there. Look, call my boss, Mr. Keen,” he said, scribbling his boss’s number on a company business card. “He’ll make it right.”

Skeptical, yet thanking the man, Russ got back in his car and dialed the number. “Yeah, hi, my name’s Russ Bettencourt. You don’t know me, but one of your trucks just threw a rock through my windshield. Your driver gave me this number and said to call you.”

“I’m very sorry Mr. Bettencourt. Do you live in the area?” Keen asked.

Russ answered, “I do,” surprised that the man’s response seemed truly genuine.

“Good,” he said. “I’ll call Strang and schedule the repairs. Let’s see if we can’t get it repaired within the week. Can you be reached at the number on my caller ID?” he asked.

“Yes,” Russ answered.

“Then I’ll call you later with a time and date,” he said, and they both hung up.

True to his word, the new windshield was installed two days later.

Integrity is a priceless teacher. When least expected, it will not only bring a welcome surprise, it will create goodwill, leaving an example of how to respond under difficult conditions.

Mr. Keen could easily have advised Russ to turn the claim in on his vehicle insurance, yet he chose to do what he’d been taught: treat people with respect and exhibit integrity, leave them a model to follow when dealing with others in the future.


“Help me to be a person of integrity, Lord, so that others will follow the example You provide them through me. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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