Saturday, September 28, 2024

 Stubborn Pride

September 28

I will break down your stubborn pride.

Leviticus 26:19

They pulled their motorcycles in the drive, hung up their helmets, and headed for the backyard. They found the girls deep in conversation.

Unexpectedly, Connie turned on Mac; her eyes were like two lasers; her body language screamed I’m far from happy!

Wary and on guard, Mac realized he wouldn’t have to wait long to find out why.

“You know something?” Her tongue borrowed the fire from her eyes. “You have back problems!” she finished vehemently and then let it hang there.

Embarrassed, Mac responded defensively, “What the heck are you talking about? My back is just fine!” Among his racing thoughts was What is she talkin’ about?

Interrupting those thoughts, she spat out, “It must not be … because every time you say ‘I’ll be right back,’ you leave, and I don’t see you for hours!”

His pride now fully under attack, Mac remained defensive. “Now just wait a minute—” But Connie cut him off. “You’ve been gone for seven hours, Mac!” There was no mistaking her frustration. “I’m tired of you dropping me off wherever,” she said, waving her arms expansively, “leaving me at your mercy with no vehicle, to await your return while you go play!”

He realized the truth of her statement, but his pride was unrelenting. “Oh, bull! That’s not true,” he denied, wondering how lame he sounded.

With tears in her eyes, Connie simply said, “You know the truth, Mac.”

Finally, with the truth undeniable, Mac relented. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to admit I was being so insensitive.”

Mac realized there was no excuse for his actions. And so it is when our pride meets the light of God’s truth: all of our arguments are hollow—any defense of our stubborn pride meets that light and is seen for what it really is: rebellion.

God warned the Israelites He would break their stubborn pride if they failed to obey His commands. God brings us warning when we exhibit a prideful attitude. We have a choice: choose humility over pride, or God Himself will humble us.


“Lord, help me lay down my pride so I can see the path You have chosen for me. Help me treat others with the love and respect they deserve. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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