Thursday, August 1, 2024

 Alive and Free

August 1

If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

John 8:36

Peter wasn’t sure if he was reaching these men. Only two of them had given their lives to Christ in the time since he’d begun this Thursday night Bible study at a prison just outside his community. He wasn’t too impressed with his conversion versus attendance ratio. Right now he was waiting for the prisoners to show up for tonight’s meeting following nine o’clock count.

Peter knew firsthand how these men felt, as he’d done a stretch of time five years before. Released and delivered, Peter wanted to give other men the opportunity he’d been given. He warmly remembered the day when that big brute of a man, Ben Johnson, had looked him in the eye and said, “I’m not dead or incarcerated, and I could be either. The reason I’m not is Jesus Christ! Because of Him I’m alive and free!” The smile on his face seemed to fit. There was an evident sincerity in his eyes that said, “This freedom thing is awesome!”

Snapping back to the moment, Peter watched as the men began filing in and taking their seats. When they were settled, he welcomed them and asked them to join him in prayer. “Lord, each of these men has a story, and many should be dead. I thank You that instead they’re alive. Help them see what they can have in You. Show them how being one of Your children can conquer any problem they face and how Your love can set them free. Amen.”

Prisons come in all forms, and death of the soul can take place long before our physical expiration. Jesus wants to set us free.

Walking through life with burdens we were never meant to carry erects walls of confinement. Any lifestyle that runs in opposition to God’s will keeps us from experiencing the fullness of life, the joy and freedom we receive in the Holy Spirit, and leaves us in jeopardy of losing our eternal life. As long as you still breathe, there’s a chance to experience these things.

Ben said, “Because of Him I’m alive and free!” The antithesis is dead and incarcerated.


“Lord, set me free from this prison I’m in. Release the chains of bondage and set me free! Amen.”

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