Tuesday, August 27, 2024

 We Are the Prodigal

August 27

Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.

Luke 15:18

Shell had kept her distance from the zealots in her family for years. Her thought? If you want to believe in Jesus, fine. Just leave me alone. Then something had happened that she couldn’t explain in rational, humanly possible terms. It had God’s handprint all over it; she could no longer deny the truth. “There is a God, and He cares!”

With this newfound realization came understanding: she’d been selfishly doing as she pleased because she wasn’t going to live by anyone’s rules but her own! Now she understood how blatantly she had snubbed her nose at God! Oh, what have I done in my arrogant belligerence, she thought. Not knowing what to do, she called her mom. Through tears of joy, her mother assured her that God could and would forgive her of everything if she just asked Him.

In stark contrast to how she had lived her life, she knelt beside the couch and said through tears, “I know now that I’m a sinner, Lord Jesus. And you have no reason to forgive me, but everyone who knows You says I can ask and You’ll forgive every wrong thing I’ve done. So I’m asking now that You forgive me and come into my heart and make me clean, show me how to live a life worthy of Your sacrifice. Amen.” Mother and daughter alternated between laughter and tears, both thanking God for His infinite mercy and grace.

Each of us has sinned against God and need His forgiveness. Many of us have made a lifestyle of it, thinking we could escape judgment. Others want salvation but are under the impression they don’t deserve another chance. Neither statement is valid.

We cannot unashamedly reject Jesus Christ and expect mercy, nor are we beyond the depth of His grace if we turn and invite Him into our heart.

As in the story of the prodigal, we have been separated from God by sin. And as the prodigal’s father, God is waiting to run to us the moment we turn and head in His direction.


“Lord, sometimes I do foolish things and get lost. Lead me home to where You are. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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