Wednesday, August 21, 2024

 Walking It Out

August 21

How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.

Romans 10:15

Sandra and Ginny had been friends for almost ten years. In that time, they had shared their lives. The most important thing they shared was a deep love for Jesus, and for over nine years, they had committed to deepening that relationship.

Two years into their friendship, God led them to begin prayer-walking their neighborhood, rising in the predawn hours to walk and lift their neighbors and their needs to God.

They watched in wonder as God brought neighbors into their lives with critical timing: someone facing a tremendous struggle or the loss of a family member. They were able to witness God’s love and spend time with each one in prayer. They simply followed God’s lead.

They had been prayer-walking for three years when they felt God asking them to assemble the neighborhood so He could weave their lives together. So they set to work planning the first block night Sharp Road would ever experience. They dropped off invitations to every family, asking them to bring one covered dish, lawn chairs, and an appetite. That inaugural evening had been a remarkable success!

Five years later, they still gather monthly at a home determined the prior month. Volunteers are never in short supply, and the fellowship is sweet.

Sandra and Ginny count it a privilege to be part of the movement of God that has seen seven people, to date, accept Jesus as their Savior.

Paul’s prayer at the beginning of chapter ten is that the Israelites might be saved. He makes the case that anyone believing on the name of Jesus will be saved. Then he sets about challenging their conviction and commitment to Christ. “And how can they believe in one of whom they have not heard?” He’s asking them to go tell others about Jesus.

Knowing Jesus is only the beginning for those who are saved. Telling others about the freedom and joy we have in Christ should be, like Paul, the desire of our heart.

Walking it out means taking each opportunity God provides to share His Son.


“Lord, lead me to those who have never heard of You. Guide my feet to who needs to hear about You next. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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