Wednesday, August 28, 2024

 Let Me Help

August 28

So after ten years … Sarai his wife took … Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife.

Genesis 16:3

“I don’t care what you say,” Grace challenged. “I think we need to give Stephanie the money.” Ralph, on the other hand, felt their daughter needed to learn from her carefree lifestyle and rampant spending.

Protection mode kicked in. “I can’t believe you could possibly want her to have to suffer through the long process of reestablishing her credit!” she said diplomatically.

But Ralph felt he needed to stand firm on this issue. “Grace,” he began, reining in his frustration in light of her opposition. “What would we be telling her by bailing her out? The truth is,” he blurted, “that’s just what she believes we’re going to do!” 

Sorry he’d momentarily lost the battle over his emotions, he regrouped, saying, “Honey, she’s been way too cavalier about doing as she pleases. I believe she needs to resolve this issue on her own.” Attempting to lessen Grace’s heartache, he pulled her toward him and held her close as he said, “We had to learn on our own too, you know. No one could tell us what to do at that age either.”

“Oh, Ralph.” She sighed in resignation. “She’s my little girl. I just want to help.”

“Me too,” he said with an affectionate squeeze.

It can be tremendously difficult to stand aside and allow our children to suffer when any interference on our part would be wrong.

Restraint at a time when someone wants our intervention requires wisdom. Only by seeking God’s guidance will we make the right choice.

We might actually be doing our children a disservice by taking action. We may be helping them out of the very situation God intended to use to bring them to an understanding of their improprieties.

When we get in God’s way, as Abraham did when he fathered Ishmael, we are taking matters into our own hands instead of allowing God to work things out in His way. Abraham’s disobedience has caused two nations to remain in constant contention. We can hurt our children if we’re not careful.


“Teach me the difference between hindering and helping, Lord. Show me when to stay out of other people’s business. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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