Friday, August 2, 2024

 Connect the Dots

August 2

Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light for my path.

Psalm 119:105

“Come look at my zebra, Mom!” Will called.

“Let me see,” Sheena said. “That’s great, honey!” she added, impressed with the precision with which he had completed the connect-the-dots drawing.

“Thanks!” said the nine-year-old, the pride of accomplishment evident in his demeanor. “An’ look at this! The stripes look like four scrunched letter Zs!” he remarked, tracing each letter to emphasize his point.

What a vivid imagination, Sheena thought, wondering if she would have noticed it herself. “You know, Will, your Uncle Ralph loved connect the dots. And now he’s an architectural engineer.” Realizing Will needed a simple definition to make the connection from one to the other, she added, “An engineer uses scientific knowledge and principles of how things work to construct buildings, bridges, and other structures.”

“I could draw a bridge, Mom!” Will said enthusiastically and began immediately to draw a basic, one-dimensional blueprint with ruler and pencil. Five minutes later, he held aloft the drafting job he had carefully completed. In truth, it bore a striking resemblance to the intended subject matter, quite impressive for a nine-year-old. Who knew? Perhaps her son might just follow in her brother’s footsteps.

Connect-the-dot drawings do not provide entertainment alone. They teach the basics in perceptual thinking. As a child, I eagerly guided my pencil from one dot to the next, connecting each corresponding number to the next, revealing the secret of the numbers. These simple drawings taught me the concept of visualization and gave me the ability to understand how critical a sequence of events and following directions are.

God’s Word is similar in nature. His written account of history provides a starting point for our spiritual education and leads us through the steps of maturation from infancy, where we are taught His precepts, to maturity in Christ and how we are to conduct ourselves in His service. Each lesson has its own built-in navigation system; as we complete one lesson in life, God’s light illuminates our path to the next.


“Lord, thank You for Your version of connect the dots. Lead me as I trace my way through each lesson. Help me visualize the path You have laid out for me. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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