Thursday, August 15, 2024


August 15

Let another praise you, and not your own mouth.

Proverbs 27:2

Reed had just brokered the largest deal in sports history. His client was now the Breakers’ newest running back.

Reed had landed Gerald Humphries a multimillion-dollar contract with the largest signing bonus ever demanded. Not only would his client be set for life, so would he. 

But aside from business, no one seemed to gravitate to Reed; his attitude alienated everyone who knew him, and those who didn’t quickly learned how big his ego was.

The press prompted Humphries, wanting to quickly get the details of the contract so they could write their stories and make deadline. One reporter asked a pointed question about his lightning speed only to have Reed interrupt and make the following statement: “Humphries is fast. But his ability isn’t unique. There are many athletes with his ability. But nobody on the planet could have closed this deal except me. I’m the reason this kid’s getting the largest signing bonus this team ever paid!” 

It didn’t occur to Reed that he was a distinct turnoff or that they really didn’t want to hear about his personal triumphs. It didn’t register that he was smugly touting his own achievements instead of directing questions to his client, who was standing beside him with a look of complete amazement on his face. 

And it never occurred to Reed how his arrogance was received until, following the press conference, Humphries fired him.

When we set out to exalt ourselves, we will, at the very least, be reviled and at worst, humbled by God.

Our God-given talent is to be used in helping others rise to new levels of success and service. We should never promote ourselves. Self-promotion is vain conceit.

And there is no surer way of alienating ourselves from God and the relationships He intends us to share with others. It is difficult to enjoy the company of someone who constantly exalts themselves. It reeks of narcissism.

We should instead look for opportunities to elevate others and their accomplishments, not looking for personal gain or recognition.


“Keep me humble, Lord. Help me to seek not to elevate myself in the eyes of men and to do what is right in Your eyes. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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