Saturday, August 17, 2024

 Never Grow Weary

August 17

Do not become weary … for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Galatians 6:9

Charles and Lucille had been married twenty-eight years. “Lord, you promised Charles would come to You if I was diligent in prayer. I have been praying faithfully all these years. Please show me that my prayers are making a difference. Just a morsel, Lord!” she implored.

That night, Lucille had a dream. In the dream she saw a lamb. God spoke to her, “Pay attention. Look!” She looked again; the lamb had become a sheep. God said again, “Pay attention. Look!” She looked once more to see that the sheep had become dirty and was peeking around the corner, poking its head in and out. God then said, “This is Charles at the door, wanting to come in. Continue to pray!”

Two weeks later, Charles gave Lucille an unexpected gift. Lucille opened the package to find a praise and worship CD; she was elated! “Thank You, Lord!” she said, grateful for another morsel.

Lucille listened to the CD repeatedly, gaining inspiration in the knowledge God was changing Charles’s heart. One evening, she walked into the house to find Charles not only listening to the CD but also singing along! “Oh, Lord! Thank You!” she whispered.

Three weeks later, Charles began attending church with Lucille; within six weeks, Charles gave his life to Christ!

Lucille’s perseverance in prayer is a lesson for us all. Many, if not all of us, have unsaved family members. Though they may not respond to our direct influence, we can affect change by lifting them to the throne consistently, praying for the veil to be lifted and God’s light to penetrate the darkness.

Today’s text encourages us to not give up in our weariness. God hears our prayers and responds by drawing them unto Himself.

Twenty-eight years is a considerable amount of time to pray without evidence of an answer. Yet it pales in comparison to eternity and eternal separation from Christ. We must not grow weary; it is not hopeless.

Do you want a harvest? Persevere in prayer!


“Lord, hear my prayer. Draw all those in my family who don’t know You to Your side. Help me to never give up on them. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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