Sunday, August 4, 2024

 Dumber than Dogs

August 4

As a dog returns to vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.

Proverbs 26:11

Jeff considered himself a daredevil. His friends considered him foolish.

Jeff, and the rough crowd he hung with, thought it was a true act of courage to go swerving; a game in which two friends, upon recognizing the other’s vehicle approaching in their direction, swerved into the other’s lane, passing each other on the wrong side of the road. It didn’t matter to them whether it was a city street, highway, or country road.

Jeff and his boys had done this on many occasions. As a matter of fact, they had done it so many times that it had become boring. So they decided to change the rules. Instead of swerving when you saw a friend, you just picked a target vehicle coming your way and swerved into its lane, forcing the unsuspecting driver to slam on his brakes or yield his right of way by pulling off the road. The boys considered it exciting and kept a running total of their swerves.

Jeff’s wiser friends tried to persuade him to stop his foolish ways, but Jeff just laughed it off, saying, “It makes me feel alive!”

Two days later, the headline in the local paper read: Teen Escapes Death in Auto Accident!

A dog that eats his vomit doesn’t know any better. We, on the other hand, should. God instilled in each of us a certain amount of common sense that He expects us to use. To know the consequences ahead of time and choose to complete the act is nothing short of rebellion and is a direct snub to God. To knowingly endanger ourselves or others is not some fun game; it is only foolishness.

We are responsible for our actions. We should not tempt God nor continue doing foolish things for the sake of an adrenaline rush while denying the possibility of great disaster. If we continue in our folly, we are dumber than dogs and will certainly end up paying a higher price than we ever thought possible.


“Loving Father, I am capable of doing foolish things. Please help me realize the error in my thought process before someone pays a price he was never meant to pay. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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