Monday, August 26, 2024

 Assembly Line Christianity

August 26

Be imitators of God.

Ephesians 5:1

Jessie’s passion meter was stuck on “I’m here” and didn’t seem to register any higher. It wasn’t so much that he didn’t want a deeper relationship with Jesus; he just wasn’t sure how to go about getting it. And six months of attending this church hadn’t helped. It was “Come as you are, we’ll accept you. Do as we tell you and everything will be wonderful!” Yet, he didn’t seem to know any more about Jesus than he had when he’d first started here.

“Everything here seems tailored to mold people into some kind of automaton,” he’d shared with another newbie, as they were referred to in the membership class. “Doesn’t this feel kinda plastic to you?” he suddenly asked.

“I guess I never thought about it,” was the man’s casual reply. “What do you mean?” he countered.

“Well,” Jessie began, “I feel like we’re all on this big assembly line headed for the final production stage with nothing but superficial understanding. It’s like a cookie-cutter mentality. As if they’re just trying to turn out Christians, and there’s no understanding required to graduate.” Feeling the need to qualify his comment, Jessie added, “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying they don’t love Jesus, but it’s like there’s nothing required for membership. We’re not required to share what we believe or why. Do you know what I’m getting at?” Jessie asked.

Whose likeness are we trying to imitate? Are we looking for the truth, or are we playing follow the leader, regardless of where the leader is headed?

Many of today’s churches offer a brand of religion that falls short of God’s example in Jesus Christ. And people blindly follow, thinking, “If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it must be a duck,” never understanding they are ignorantly tempting hell.

It absolutely matters what we believe and why because simply saying the name of Jesus will not gain us entrance into heaven. If we do not confess Jesus as Lord and are not required to ask forgiveness through repentance where there is no turning from sin (understanding we will not do this perfectly), then we are deceived. We will be held accountable, regardless of our professed ignorance.


“Lead me on the one true path of salvation, Lord. Show me the way. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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