Tuesday, August 13, 2024

 With Jesus

August 13

When they saw the courage of Peter and John … they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

Acts 4:13

Dewey held up his hand, asking for silence. “I understand your doubt, folks. But”—he paused for emphasis—“if we fail to take this stand, our children and their children will pay the price of our indifference.”

“What makes you so sure they won’t rule against us anyway?” challenged one dissenter. “I, for one, am not in favor of rocking the boat. They’ll just use this as a platform to build a stronger case against us!” the man argued. He was alluding to city council’s removal of all God-related materials from public buildings and property over the last year. Tonight’s meeting had been called because council was now legislating new ordinance against open-air gatherings of a religious nature.

“Look, I hear you,” Dewey acknowledged. “But I believe you’re dead wrong. It’s that very attitude that allowed God to be removed from our schools. We did nothing to stand up for the free exercise of our religious rights the Constitution gives us. We must stand now.”

The man sat back down, red-faced and fuming.

Dewey continued, “Sitting still and hoping the enemy retreats is the equivalent of saying, ‘Go ahead, take all my rights.’”

He finished with, “Look, if we believe Jesus is Who He says He is, then it’s our responsibility to take the same action He would take if He were here.”

Would a stranger know we’ve been anywhere near Jesus? Or do we, instead, blend in with the world through our words and actions?

As Christians, there ought to be a visible difference, something tangible that causes others to take notice when they see us, something that causes them to ask what that difference is. The only way others will know that we have been with Jesus is by the giving over of our right to ourselves and into the control of the Holy Spirit, by dying to self so Christ can shine through.

Peter and John displayed a countenance of courage after the Holy Spirit’s presence was evident in their lives. That same Spirit wants to grow us into the likeness of Christ.


“Help me put to death anything that would keep me from looking like You, Lord Jesus. Amen.”

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