Friday, August 23, 2024

 Waiting in Fear

August 23

The wicked man flees though no one pursues …

Proverbs 28:1

Day after day he waited for the phone to ring or for the police to knock on his door. Ever since he’d found that wallet, he’d been living in a constant state of fear. He knew he should have returned it to the owner when he’d found it. But when he discovered those six one-hundred-dollar bills, something had come over him.

He’d removed the cash and thrown the wallet, credit cards, driver’s license, and all into the Potomac River. He hadn’t had a good night’s sleep since! He just knew someone was going to figure it out; then they’d come calling.

Finally, unable to deal with the constant pressure of waiting to be caught, he’d gone to the forty-seventh precinct and turned himself in, saying he wanted to repay the money he’d found, but he couldn’t remember the man’s name.

Unable to substantiate his statement due to the lack of evidence, the detective had finished taking the report and told him, “If anyone files a report about a lost wallet, and if he chooses to file charges, we’ll be in touch. Without someone pressing charges, we have no reason to hold you.”

Leaving the station, he felt worse than before. He had no idea if someone would ever claim the lost wallet or not. He’d sacrificed his clear conscience in the heat of the moment, and now he couldn’t get free from the guilt of his actions.

When we begin to do the wrong thing, our conscience automatically responds by alerting us. This is not right! If we fail to respond correctly, the Holy Spirit convicts our heart in an effort to bring repentance and return us to a right relationship with God.

What we do in that moment will determine whether we walk in integrity, without the constant over-the-shoulder looks, or wait in fear for the phone to ring.

Unscrupulous behavior breeds evil and fear. If left unchecked, it desensitizes our hearts, building an uncrossable chasm between us and God.

It is far better to repent and face the consequences than it is to live waiting in fear.


“Lord, Help me resist temptation when I’m weak or unprepared. Keep my heart pure. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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