Friday, August 9, 2024

 Deeply Within*

August 9

I have hidden your word in my heart.

Psalm 119:11

“Okay, now repeat after me,” Ms. B instructed her Sunday school class. “You did not choose me … ”

“You did not choose me … ” the children echoed.

“But I chose you … ” Ms. B smiled as she saw the look of determination on one young boy’s face.

“But I chose you … ” He was squinting his eyes to help focus.

“And appointed you … ” It was difficult to hold her laughter as she looked from face to face.

“And appointed you … ” The volume was increasing. You could see their hearts were completely given to this memorization exercise.

“To go and bear fruit.” She almost whispered it to see their response.

“To go and bear fruit.” Giggling could be heard as they followed suit and whispered their responsive statement.

“Can anyone tell me what fruit Jesus is talking about?” Ms. B asked.

“Bananas!” one child hollered.

“Apples!” came another. Fruits of every kind were being hollered out.

Finally, Ms. B, laughing and smiling, held up her hand and called for silence. “Those are all fruits and good answers,” she said, smiling brightly. “But the fruit Jesus is talking about in this verse is about how we live our lives and how other people know we belong to Jesus because of how we act” (Galatians 5:22).

There are times each day that we could benefit from God’s words. They are meant to bring us strength, joy, and purpose.

Scripture memorization is essential to our spiritual well-being. Each verse we commit to memory can comfort us in times of trouble and sorrow, be used to fend off attacks in times of temptation, and enrich our walk with God, but only if they have been planted deeply within. If they are not there to begin with, we cannot recall them when we want or need to.

When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, the words He memorized as a young boy were used to counter the attacks of Satan. Jesus knew He needed His Father’s words to resist the devil. Do we need more reason than this?


“Lord, help me begin to hide Your Word deep in my heart, so it will be there when I not only need it, but when I want to meditate on it. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

* Memorization verse: John 15:16

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