Monday, August 12, 2024

 Will You?

August 12

If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?

James 2:16

Quinn had lost his job and hadn’t been able to find suitable employment in over four months. They had used Charlotte’s most recent paycheck to keep the electric and gas on, but their mortgage, as well as a signature loan, was two months delinquent. The slumping economy and Quinn’s disability had only added to their struggle. This morning found them pouring out their hearts to God, asking for divine intervention.

Around noon, Charlotte received a call from a couple in their congregation. They felt God leading them to share some food with them. “How much room do you have in your freezer?” came the question.

An hour later, the credit union called. Quinn assumed they were notifying him of collection proceedings and prayed for strength to deal with this situation. However, when he got on the line, the account manager said, “Mr. R, an anonymous provider has stopped by our office this morning and paid your mortgage accounts current. They have asked we not divulge their identity, but that we inform you so you can best use the finances you have available.” 

Quinn was numb with wonder as he hung up the phone. It took a full minute before he was able to relate the nature of the call to Charlotte.

At a time when society trusts their 401(k) or stock portfolio to provide for tomorrow, God is asking us to trust Him and not yield to the temptation to lean on ourselves for the future.

Giving God permission to reposition His money through us is not an easy thing to do. It requires faith that He truly is a debtor to no man.

Today’s text is clear; we are not to stand idly by and give lip service to situations that demand attention. Giving out of our abundance requires an act of will. Will you?


“Lord, help me to bare the essence of Your love. Help me hang on loosely to the things You have given me. May I never see a brother in need and fail to do everything I can to meet it. In Jesus’ Name, amen. “

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