Tuesday, August 6, 2024

 Instruments of Grace

August 6

Each one … faithfully administering God’s grace.

1 Peter 4:10

At seventeen, Kellen was a repeat offender.

Marshal was his newest probation officer. “You tired of the juvy system yet? ‘Cause if you keep shopliftin’, you’re gonna find out what it’s like to be tried as an adult. And they’ll introduce you to our wonderful prison system.”


“I don’t get you, Kellen.” That wasn’t exactly true, but he wasn’t ready to tell his story. “You’re a good-looking kid, star athlete, good grades, then bang! You throw it all away. What for? A few trinkets?”

“Like you care,” came his smug reply.

Marshal spoke softly. “What makes you think I don’t?”

“No one else ever did. What makes you different?” Kellen shot back.

“Look, Kellen, you may find it hard to believe, but I do care. I’ve a better understanding of your life than you might think.” What Kellen didn’t know was that Marshal had done time for petty theft as a teen. Then someone had taken an interest in his future. They had cared enough to reach out; it had changed Marshal’s life.

He continued, “I’ve been where you are, Kellen. And someone cared enough to get involved. Things were screwed up on the inside of me. My stealing was a cry for help. And because they understood that, things changed. It can happen for you too if you want it to. How about it? Can you try to trust me?”

“I don’t know why I do it,” Kellen finally responded honestly.

“Now that, I believe,” said Marshal.

Moral and ethical patterns are set at an early age. What we learn or don’t learn in our youth shapes our values. Under ideal circumstances, we grow and mature and make adjustments to those values until they are tempered with wisdom and integrity. But most kids don’t grow up in an ideal world.

Today’s society throws pitches to our children they are not ready to hit. And their immaturity doesn’t stop them from swinging. Mistakes are made; consequences arise.

But the mistakes need not be permanent or the consequences life-ending. We can reach out in grace and compassion with an offer to lead those who would otherwise remain lost, into the saving grace of God.


“Make me an instrument of your love and grace, Lord. Use me to affect change. Amen.”

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