Sunday, August 25, 2024

 Beetle Boots and Levis

August 25

If anyone says to you, “Look, here is the Christ … do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear.”

Matthew 24:23

It was two days and counting; summer vacation was over. “You never get us the original!” Elliott said with the frustration of a fifteen-year-old. “Everybody else in school will have genuine Levis and Beetle Boots. Not some lame knockoffs like these!”

“Honey,” his mother began, “we can’t afford the originals. Those boots and jeans are three times as much as these, and they don’t fit our budget. This is the best we can do.” 

Had Elliott been thinking about anything but himself, he would have been able to see the hurt in his mother’s eyes. But he wasn’t, and he didn’t. All he could see were cheap imitations that would elicit ridicule from his peers at school. 

They’d take one look at these off-brand jeans and low-heeled boots with the zipper on the side instead of in the back, and they’d say what they always said, “Whutsamatter, Bennett? Mommy still dressing you?” Kids could be cruel, and these lessons seemed unfair.

With that thought in his head, Elliott headed for his room. I’ve gotta figure a way to get what I want or everyone’ll think I’m uncool! And with that, he slammed his bedroom door on the world.

There is a knockoff for everything; someone has counterfeited the original and is looking to profit from it. And in most cases it’s not life threatening.

However, there is one counterfeit that we must not buy, and regardless of the cost, we must purchase the original!

Satan has staked his claim to the throne of God and comes deceiving those who would listen to his sales pitch. His minions tell us we’re uncool and won’t be accepted unless we buy what they’re selling.

Jesus, knowing sin is tempting in the early stages because it feels good, warns us so we will be on guard, because there are always consequences. To make the wrong choice in this case will be eternally fatal.

Jesus is the original; there is no other way to salvation.


“Lord, help me see past all the bells and whistles when Satan comes to deceive. Help me discern the lies and seek the truth. In Jesus’ Name, amen. “

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