Thursday, August 22, 2024

 The Egg Minister

August 22

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give.

2 Corinthians 9:7

The two-story Cape Cod blended well into the surrounding countryside. And the 6.2 acres of land it sat on was sufficient to allow the boys room to grow. Ron and Rochelle had purchased this little piece of country for the expressed purpose of raising their three boys outside the lights of the city.

Ron had built two outbuildings, a kennel for the dogs, and a workshop for himself. One day, Rochelle asked Ron to add a chicken coup to the side of the dog kennel. Standing on the porch, Rochelle smiled as she fondly remembered that day two years ago when God had called her into the ministry. Not just any ministry, mind you; He’d called her into the egg ministry. Ron had thought it a strange request but had built it nonetheless, saying, “Chickens you want, chickens you get.”

Rochelle hadn’t immediately explained her plans, mostly because she wasn’t quite sure what those plans were exactly. All she knew for sure was that God had given her a desire to own a few laying hens. It seemed a reasonable desire; they would enjoy fresh eggs, and the boys would learn about raising chickens.

As the hens began to lay, Rochelle discovered they had more eggs than they could use. With this unexpected bounty, Rochelle realized she could bless a few of the neighboring families. And so it began, a ministry that now saw Rochelle giving dozens of eggs to family and friends.

Such simple projects generate a tremendous impact. Giving of our lives is the most personal service we can offer. To give money is good; we are all supposed to assist in financing the kingdom of God.

But when we give something for which we have labored, it tells others we have taken time to share our lives.

Not all of us are called to move to the country and raise chickens. But we do each have the ability to step outside ourselves, seeking new and unique ways to serve. Ministry begins when God plants a desire in our heart. It’s up to us to make it grow.


“I want to be about Your business, Lord. Show me where I might be of service. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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