Saturday, August 10, 2024

 Payment on Demand

August 10

You fool. This very night your life will be demanded from you.

Luke 12:20

Luke’s credit was tanked. Unable to get the financial assistance he needed from a legitimate lending institution, Luke decided to borrow the money from a shady source. Now the note was due. But Luke didn’t have the money. He’d made the initial investment he’d borrowed the cash for; he’d even made a small profit. But Luke had gotten foolish.

Having discovered online poker, Luke began playing regularly. It’s no big deal, he told himself. I’m just having a little fun.

After success in a few online matches, Luke decided to multiply his holdings by entering a high-stakes game. So, taking his winnings, along with the balance of his borrowed investment, Luke did just that.

But things hadn’t gone his way; he’d lost it all. And now he was in trouble. The financer was demanding payment.

Nervously, he pleaded with the financer to give him more time to come up with the money, a grace period of sorts, he’d called it. The financer finally decided Luke wasn’t worth the risk and had two of his associates teach Luke a lesson. The problem was they got carried away, and Luke died two days later as a result of his injuries.

Today’s text reveals there is a payment coming due for each of us. Those who foolishly choose to ignore the demand will suffer for eternity.

We have the ability to ask Jesus Christ to pay the due penalty or put it off right up until the moment we die. After that, all bets are off.

Scripture says we are but a vapor, and then we are gone. We do not know the time of God’s demand on our life.

We can do as Luke did, putting off life’s most crucial decision until it’s too late, or we can turn to the One who has the ability to wipe our slate clean, leaving the balance paid in full. The choice is ours alone.


“Lord Jesus, I want and need Your sacrifice to cover my sin. Cleanse me now with the payment that only Your blood can cover. Amen.”

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